Ms. G. Gowri, Assistant Professor, PG and Research Department of Physics, The Madura
College. Madurai - 625 019, presented (09/01/2023) her thesis work entitled "Synthesis,
characterization and charge density of multiferroic materials" as a power point presentation
in an efficient manner.
The external examiner, Dr. K. Thangaraju, Professor, Department of Physics, National
Institute of Technology (NIT), Warangal-506 004, India, was introduced to the audience by the
convener and the supervisor (Dr. R. Saravanan) of the candidate Ms. G. Gowri.
The research scholar Ms. G. Gowri was then introduced to the audience by Dr. R. Saravanan.
Then, the convener explained the mode of conduct of the examination. Then, Ms. G. Gowri
presented her thesis as a power point presentation for about 45 minutes.
Then, the external, internal and the audience raised technical questions which were properly
answered by the candidate Ms. G. Gowri up to the satisfaction of the examiners and also the
audience. Ms. G. Gowri answered all the question raised by the external examiner,
Dr. K. Thangaraju, Professor, Department of Physics, National Institute of Technology (NIT),
Warangal-506 004, India, then answered the questions raised by the internal examiner
Dr. R. Saravanan and also to the questions sent for the clarification purpose by the other
examiner who evaluated the Ph.D., thesis. Further, she answered the questions raised by the
audience to the satisfaction of one and all.
About 95 participants from various educational institutions attended the viva-voce
The candidate Ms. G.Gowri has successfully defended her Ph.D., thesis.
On the basis of the reports of the examiners and also the performance of the candidate
at the public viva-voce examination, the viva-voce board STRONGLY RECOMMENDS that
Ms.G.Gowri may be declared to have qualified for the DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILosOPHY
IN PHYSICS by Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai - 625021.
(Viva-Voce Vedio link)