Viva-voce of Mr.T.Akilan

The doctoral viva-voce examination (Ph.D.) of Mr. T. Akilan, was held at the Research Centre and PG Dept of Physics, Thiagarajar College of Arts and Science, Madurai, on 24/07/2024 at around 11 AM in Kabilar Hall, of the Dept.

The viva-voce examination was conducted by in the presence of the external examiner of Dr. M.Charles Robert, Dept. of Physics, HKRH College, Uthamapalayam, the internal examiners and supervisors, Dr.R.Saravanan and Dr. N. Srinivasan, the teaching, non-teaching staff members, staff from other colleges, students from the dept., and students from other colleges, staff members from other depts. of the college, etc.

The questions and clarifications by both the external examiner and the supervisors were satisfactorily answered by the candidate.

Then, the more than 60 % of the questions by the supervisor Dr.R.Saravanan were answered by the candisate.

Then, the questions by the other staff members and the audience, were answered by the candidate.

Based on the answering, and other essential requirements, of the exam, the candidate was declared to have qualified for the Ph.D. Degree of MKU in Physics.

Now Mr.T.Akilan can be declared as Dr. T. Akilan.


Ms.S.V.Meenakshi – Doctoral viva exam

Ms.S.V. Meenakshi - The doctoral viva-voce examination of Ms.S.V. Meenakshi of Sri Meenakshi Govt. Womens Arts College, was conducted on 15/02/2024 at the Madura college, Madurai. The external examiner for the viva-voce examination was Prof. John Berchmans of CECRI - Central Electro Chemical Research Institue, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu.

The viva voce examination was conducted by the co-guide, Dr.N.Srinivasan, of Thiagarajar College, Madurai.

The questions and clarifications by both the external examiner and Prof. Dr. N. Srinivasan,  were satisfactorily answered by the candidate.

Then, the more than 60 % of the questions by the supervisor Dr.R.Saravanan were answered by the candisate.

Then the questions by the other staff members and the audience, were answered by the candidate.

Based on the answering, and other essential requirements, of the exam, the candidate was declared to have qualified for the the Ph.D. Degree in Physics.

Ms. G.Gowri – Ph.D. Viva-Voce Exam

Ms. G. Gowri, Assistant Professor, PG and Research Department of Physics, The Madura
College. Madurai - 625 019, presented (09/01/2023) her thesis work entitled "Synthesis,
 characterization and charge density of multiferroic materials" as a power point presentation
 in an efficient manner.

The external examiner, Dr. K. Thangaraju, Professor, Department of Physics, National
Institute of Technology (NIT), Warangal-506 004, India, was introduced to the audience by the
convener and the supervisor (Dr. R. Saravanan) of the candidate Ms. G. Gowri. 

The research scholar Ms. G. Gowri was then introduced to the audience by Dr. R. Saravanan. 
Then, the convener explained the mode of conduct of the examination. Then, Ms. G. Gowri 
presented her thesis as a power point presentation for about 45 minutes. 

Then, the external, internal and the audience raised technical questions which were properly 
answered by the candidate Ms. G. Gowri up to the satisfaction of the examiners and also the
audience. Ms. G. Gowri answered all the question raised by the external examiner, 
Dr. K. Thangaraju, Professor, Department of Physics, National Institute of Technology (NIT), 
Warangal-506 004, India, then answered the questions raised by the internal examiner 
Dr. R. Saravanan and also to the questions sent for the clarification purpose by the other 
examiner who evaluated the Ph.D., thesis. Further, she answered the questions raised by the 
audience to the satisfaction of one and all. 
About 95 participants from various educational institutions attended the viva-voce 

The candidate Ms. G.Gowri has successfully defended her Ph.D., thesis.

On the basis of the reports of the examiners and also the performance of the candidate 
at the public viva-voce examination, the viva-voce board STRONGLY RECOMMENDS that 
Ms.G.Gowri may be declared to have qualified for the DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILosOPHY 
IN PHYSICS by Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai - 625021.


(Viva-Voce Vedio link)


Mr. T. Akilan, M.Sc., M.Phil.

PG and Research Department of Physics, 
Thiagarajar College of Arts and science, 
Teppakulam, Madurai-625 009,
Mobile: 94898 65653, Email:

Dr.N.Srinivasan (Supervisor) 
PG and Research Department of Physics 
Thiagarajar College of Arts and science  Teppakulam, 
Madurai-625 009


Date of Registration :  03/10/2011
Registration no. : F8754
Date of Submission of Thesis: 23/12/2022
Date of viva voce examination :

About Ph.D. Work 

O-DMS (Oxide based DMS) materials have created interest due to the possibility of  inducing room temperature ferromagnetism. O-DMS materials are essential materials in spintronic devices. The study of local structural fluctuation and electron density distribution may help in imminent understanding the nature of bonding and charge transfer etc. The results of localized structure of the material with varying  dopant concentration may pave way for new spintronic devices. The main objective of this work is to investigate the growth, physical and X-ray characterization of samples having room temperature ferromagnetism and semiconducting properties. The growth of ZnO doped with transition metals like V, Ni, Fe and Ti and mixed systems (possibility of RT FM) has been accomplished. Melt growth technique has been used. Solid state reaction technique offers several advantages such as low cost, easy  controlling of the total dopant amounts, and facility of producing bulk amounts of materials. The growth has been accomplished using a well-planned temperature control programme. The quality of the grown samples have been checked by X-ray methods. The impurity levels have been  estimated using SEM/EDAX (Energy Dispersive Analysis of X-rays). Powder X-ray data – to study structural changes have been used to determine the compositions of the dopant atoms. The magnetic susceptibility measurements, M Vs H, M Vs T to analyze the AFM, FM transitions have been done. Optical band gap studies have been  undertaken  in-order to measure the optical properties of ZnO.

Materials of interest:
Zinc oxide, semiconductors, transition metal ions

  • Zn1-xTixO (x=0.02, 0.03)
  • Zn1-xFexO (x = 0.02, 0.04, 0.06)
  • Zn1-xVxO (x=0.02, 0.04, 0.06)
  • Zn1-xNix/2Vx/2O (x=0.02, 0.04, 0.06)

Journal Publications: International: 4; 
National: Nil 
Conference/Seminar : 3 
Status:  Work completed 

List of Publications: 
1. Structure of vanadium doped zinc oxide, Zn1-xVxO,  
T.Akilan, N. Srinivasan, R. Saravanan, Prasanta Chowdury,  
Materials and Manufacturing process, 29:7, 780-788 (2014) Taylor & Francis, 
(Impact Factor: 4.616) 

2. Structure analysis of Ni and V co- doped zinc oxide prepared by solid state reactions,  
T. Akilan, N. Srinivasan, R. Saravanan  
Journal of material science : Materials in electronics, 25,2898–2904(2014) 
(Springer Publications) 
(Impact Factor: 2.478) 

3. Magnetic and optical properties of Ti doped ZnO prepared by solid state reaction,  
T. Akilan, N. Srinivasan, R. Saravanan 
Material science in semiconductor processing, 30, 381 - 187(2015)  (Elseveir Publication) 
(Impact Factor: 3.927) 

4. Structural and magnetic studies on Fe doped zinc oxide, Zn1-XFexO synthesized by 
solid state reaction,  
T. Akilan, N. Srinivasan, R. Saravanan,  
Journal of material science : Materials in electronics, 26,9882–9890(2015) 
(Springer Publications) 
(Impact Factor: 2.478)


Papers presented in Conferences/Seminars, etc.

1. International Conference on Recent Trends in Advanced Materials – Oral Presentation 
held at VIT University, Vellore during 20-22, February, 2012,   
T. Akilan, N. Srinivasan., R. Saravanan

2.  International conference on Advanced Materials, Processing and Devices held 
on 15-16, July, 2013 at the department of Material Science, 
Madurai Kamaraj Univeristy, Madurai, 
T. Akilan, N. Srinivasan., R. Saravanan

3.  International Conference and workshop on Nanostructure ceramics and other 
nano materials held on 13-16, at New Delhi, March, 2012 – Abstract has been published, 
T.Akilan , N. Srinivasan,  R. Saravanan

Mrs. G. Gowri Thesis submission

Our Research Scholar Mrs. G.GOWRI has submitted her Ph.D. thesis entitled "Synthesis, characterization and charge density of multiferroic materials" on 01/07/2021 to Madurai Kamaraj University. She presented her Research Colloquium on 13/05/2021, successfully.

She has published seven research articles in International Journals, including, Elsevier, Springer, IJLTET, MRF (US).

Dr. S. Francis Viva-Voce Examination

The Ph.D. Viva-Voce examination of Mr. S. Francis of The SN College,  Madurai, was conducted on 04/08/2014. The thesis was successfully defended by Mr. S. Francis.

Dr. N. R. Sathya Swaroop, School of Advanced Sciences, VIT University, Vellore - 632 014, was nominated by MK University, as the external examiner for the viva voce examination.

His  thesis was successfully defended by Mr. S. Francis.

Dr. M. Charles Robert Viva-Voce Examination

The Ph.D. Viva-Voce examination of Mr. M. Charles Robert, Physics Department,  HKRH College, Uthamapalayam,  was conducted on 08/08/2014. The thesis was successfully defended by Mr. M. Charles Robert.

Dr. L. John Berchmans, Pricipal Scientist, ELectropyrometallurgy division, CSIR, Karaikudi
, was nominated by MK University, as the external examiner for the viva voce examination.

His  thesis was successfully defended by Mr. M. Charles Robert.

Dr. S. Israel Viva-Voce Examination

The Ph.D. Viva-Voce examination of Mr. S. Israel of The American College,  Madurai, was conducted on 11/07/2007. The thesis was successfully defended by Mr. S. Israel.

Dr. C. Sanjeeviraja, School of Physics, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, was nominated by MK University, as the external examiner for the viva voce examination.

His  thesis was successfully defended by Mr. S. Israel.

Dr. K. Syed Ali Viva-Voce Examination


The Ph.D. Viva-Voce examination for Mr. K. Syed Ali,  was conducted on 23/06/2011.

Dr. S. Danuskodi, Professor,  School of Physics, Bharathidasan University, Thiruchirappalli, was nominated by MK University, as the external examiner for the viva voce examination.

His thesis was successfully defended by Mr. K. S. Syed Ali.


Dr. M. Prema Rani Viva-Voce Examination

The Viva-Voce examination of Mrs. M. Prema Rani was conducted on 05/03/2012.

Prof. Dr D. Mangalaraj, UGC-BSR Faculty Fellow,  Department of Nanoscience and Technology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore – 641046, Tamil Nadu, India, was nominated by MK University, as the external examiner for the viva voce examination.

The thesis was successfully defended by Mrs. M. Prema Rani.

Dr. S. Saravanakumar Viva-Voce examination

The Viva-Voce examination of Mr. S. Saravanakumar was conducted on 27/08/2015.

Dr. S. Asath bahadur, Professor, Department of Physics, Kalasalingam University, Anand Nagar, Krishnankoil - 626 126, Srivilliputtur (Via), Virudhunagar (Dt.), Tamil Nadu, India, was nominated by MK University, as the external examiner for the viva voce examination.

The thesis was successfully defended by Mr. S. Saravanakumar.

Research Colloquium

Ph.D. News

Research Colloquium (online) on 13/05/2021.
One of the research scholars Ms. G.GOWRI is writing the Ph.D. thesis.
Her Research Colloquium was successfully completed on 13/05/2021 which started at 10 AM in the morning. Dr. S. Israel, from the Dept. of Physics, American College, Madurai served as the external expert for the colloquium. Ms. G. Gowri answered the questions by the supervisor, the external expert, some of the professors from other institutions etc.
The Research Colloquium ended up with a success note.

Ph.D. awarded – 2019

Six scholars of our group attended the convocation held on 11/02/2019 at Madurai Kamaraj University  and obtained their degree certificates from our governer of Tamil Nadu.

The scholars are;

1. Dr. T. K. Thirumalaisamy,

2. Dr. Y. B. Kannan,

3. Dr. N. Thenmozhi,

4. Dr. J. Mangayarkkarasi,

5. Dr. R.A.J.R. Sheeba,

6. Dr. S. Sasikumar.

My congratulations to them.



National Seminar – 11/01/2019 – Dept. of Physics

In a National Seminar conducted by Research Centre and PG Dept. of Physics, The Madura College, Madurai-625011 on 11/01/2019, 4 talks were delivered by 3 three resource persons in 2 sessions. Prof.Dr.R.Nagarajan, Dept. of Chemistry, University of DELHI delivered 2 talks on Burstein-Moss effect, Prof.Dr.S.Asath Bahadur, Senior Professor of Physics and Director (Student Affairs), Kalasalingam academy of research and education, Krishnan Kovil, Srivilliputhur, delivered a talk on Smart Materials. and Dr.S. Saravanakumar, Physics, Kalasalingam University  delivered a talk on Electron density distribution in Nano-Semiconductors. While Prof.Dr.S.Asath bahadur is an expert in researcher in fields of Smart materials, thin films etc., Dr.S.Saravanakumar is a hard working researcher and analyst in charge distribution in Novel materials.

Prof. Dr.R.Nagarajan is a student of Prof.C.N.R. Rao (Prof. C.N.R. Rao has won Shanti Swaroop Batnagar award, Padma Sri award, Padma Vibhushan award, BHARAT-RATNA award during 2014, and many more awards. Only 3 SCIENTISTS have been awarded Bharata Ratna award in Indian history, Sir.C.V. Raman, Prof.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam,  and Prof.C.N .R.Rao. Prof. C. N. R. Rao has worked as the Chairman of Scientific advisory committee to Prime Minister of India).

I thank my conveners for successfully conducting the talks with limited budget.


Dr. S. Sasikumar Viva Voce examination

The Viva-Voce examination of Mr. S. Sasikumar was conducted on 14/12/2018.

Dr. S. Asath bahadur, Professor, Department of Physics, Kalasalingam University, Anand Nagar, Krishnankoil - 626 126, Srivilliputtur (Via), Virudhunagar (Dt.), Tamil Nadu, India, was nominated by MK University, as the external examiner for the viva voce examination.

The thesis was successfully defended by Mr. S. Sasikumar.

Dr. R. A. J. R. Sheeba viva voce examination

The Viva Voce examination of Mrs. R. A. J. R. Sheeba was conducted on 11/12/2018.

Dr. M. Uma Devi, Associate Professor in Physics, Mother Teresa Womens’ University,  Kodaikanal – 624 102, Tamil Nadu, India was nominated by MK University, as the external examiner for the viva voce examination.

Her thesis was successfully defended by Mrs. R. A. J. R. Sheeba.

Ph.D. Dr. Y.B. Kannan

The Ph.D. Viva Voce examination for Mr. Y. B. Kannan, Assistant Prof., Dept. of Physics, Arumugam Pillai Seethai Ammal College, Tiruppattur – 630 211, Sivagangai Dt., was  held on 28/09/2018 at the PG and Research Department of Physics, Thiagarajar College, Madurai.

Dr. G. Chandrasekaran, Professor & H.O.D, Department of Physics, Pondicherry University, R.V.Nagar, Kalapet, Puducherry – 605014, was nominated by MK University, as the external examiner for the viva voce examination.

His thesis was successfully defended by Mr. Y. B. Kannan.


The  Ph.D. Viva-Voce examination of Ms. J. Mangaiyarkkarasi, Associate Professor,  of NMSSVN College, Madurai, was conducted on 6/7/2018 (Friday) at the Research Centre and PG Department of Physics, The Madura College, Madurai-625011.

Dr. L. John Berchmans, Principal Scientist, Electro-pyrometallurgy division, CECRI, Karaikudi - 630006,  India, was nominated by MK University, as the external examiner for the viva voce examination.

Her thesis was successfully defended by Ms. J. Mangaiyarkkarasi.


Mr. S. Sasikumar thesis submission

Mr. S. Sasikumar,  NRB-DRDO Project-Project fellow, Research Scholar, Dept. of Physics, The Madura College, Madurai – 625 011, TN, India has submitted his thesis on 16/04/2018. Congrats to him.

Title of the Ph.D. thesis :  Synthesis and characterization of BaTiO3 based lead free piezoelectric materials



The Ph.D. Viva-Voce examination of Mrs. N. Thenmozhi of NMSSVN College, Madurai, was conducted on 13/04/2018. The thesis was successfully defended by Mrs. N. Thenmozhi.

Dr. D. Pathinettampadiyan, Dept of Physics, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli – 627 012, was nominated by MK University, as the external examiner for the viva voce examination.

Her thesis was successfully defended by Mrs. N. Thenmozhi.


The Ph.D. Viva-Voce examination for Mr. T. K. Thirumalaisamy, of HKRH College, Uthamapalayam was conducted on 10/04/2018.

Dr. K.Sankaranarayanan, Professor, Chair Person, School of Physical Sciences, Alagappa University, Karaikudi- 630 003, was nominated by MK University, as the external examiner for the viva voce examination.

His thesis was successfully defended by Mr. T. K. Thirumalaisamy.

Research Colloquium – by Mr. S. Sasikumar

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Mr. S. Sasikumar of Research Centre and PG Department of Physics, The Madura College, Madurai presented his research findings in a Research Colloquium  on 12/03/2018 at 10.00 AM at the Seminar hall of the college.



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Mr. Manoharan of Dept. of Physics is retiring from service on 28/02/2018. Let’s wish him peaceful retired life.